Thursday, March 19, 2009

What a Douche

Playing around with watercolors, loving how it blends, maybe I can get it down to a science and get more realistic tones.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Why So Serious?

I've always thought that as far character design goes, the late Heath Ledger's Joker was the quintessential image of the classic DC comics villain. Now it's kind of hard to imagine the Joker in another form. The gritty-realistic lok just makes everything else a silly and ridiculous caricature of the Clown Prince of Crime.

The above was made from this existing sketch, which you'll have to excuse the quality since it was just a rough sketch and taken with a phone cam rather than being properly scanned:

From there, it was just a matter of tracing the sketch with Corel Painter X and painting with using oils. Admittedly, the texture isn't exactly what you'd call impresive and the shading work is kinda lazy (especially on the hair). But it's probably a huge improvement over the Joker I did months ago.
Which isn't bad considering this is the first time I've used the program and first time I used a tablet (a huge leap from pencils and paper), which isn't even a Wacom. But for its price point and current ability, my Genius G-Pen does the job. Maybe if I get enough money, and practice, I might actually consider getting a "real" tablet. I may try to recolor the first piece and hopefully come up with a better finished product.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

First Post (Because Hello World is So Passé)

So, if you're wondering what you're doing in this little space in the Internet and wondering what kind of crap is that picture above, then you're probably bored out of your mind. This blog is basically the art (debatable) of a man who is often bored and has absolutely too much time with his hands.

Now, unlike my other blog, I won't ramble on like an idiot (oh wait, too late). Instead, I'll pretend to be one of them famous artists and pretend that I know what I'm doing by discussing the process involved in the images I will be posting here. So Here. We. Go...

The portrait above was obvious done in Steno Notebook while taking a break at work. Since I was just doodling around, I stuck with a ballpoint pen, also I didn't have my handy number 2 pencil, so there (DON'T JUDGE ME). I decided to make it a little cartoon-ish but still went through the painstaking shading process which surprisingly came out OK if not great. The style is a bit reminiscent of the early days of one of my favorite webcomics Questionable Content.