Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Why So Serious?

I've always thought that as far character design goes, the late Heath Ledger's Joker was the quintessential image of the classic DC comics villain. Now it's kind of hard to imagine the Joker in another form. The gritty-realistic lok just makes everything else a silly and ridiculous caricature of the Clown Prince of Crime.

The above was made from this existing sketch, which you'll have to excuse the quality since it was just a rough sketch and taken with a phone cam rather than being properly scanned:

From there, it was just a matter of tracing the sketch with Corel Painter X and painting with using oils. Admittedly, the texture isn't exactly what you'd call impresive and the shading work is kinda lazy (especially on the hair). But it's probably a huge improvement over the Joker I did months ago.
Which isn't bad considering this is the first time I've used the program and first time I used a tablet (a huge leap from pencils and paper), which isn't even a Wacom. But for its price point and current ability, my Genius G-Pen does the job. Maybe if I get enough money, and practice, I might actually consider getting a "real" tablet. I may try to recolor the first piece and hopefully come up with a better finished product.

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